120 Color Negative Dev
120 Color Negative Dev
C-41 developing process - for all color negative films (as well as for B&W films designed to be developed in C-41 chemicals, such as Ilford XP2).
Push/pull: +5 Euro for each roll. Please note the right pushed/pulled stops on the canister or on your order.
Depending on the actual workload, our normal turnaround can vary from 5 to 7 working days. However we also offer an Express Developing Service: for 5 Euro extra (per roll) we commit to deliver the scanned negatives within 48h upon arrival to the lab.
We offer to cut and sleeve your negatives in pergamine files at an extra cost of 0,50 cents/roll. Alternatively we will simply roll the negatives back up and place them in a plastic canister (or dispose of them should you not want them back).
After the negatives are scanned, you can pick them up in person at the lab or you can have them mailed to you.
Prices are per roll and include VAT.