Kodak Vision3 Workshop: How to Expose and Edit

Berlin-based photographer Moritz Spahn will show you how to get the best results out of Kodak Vision 35mm film.
Kodak Vision3 is steadily gaining popularity, not only due to being an affordable alternative to other professional film stocks, but also thanks to its unique look and overall quality.

Day 1: 5th October 11 - 14 h + Day 2: 19th October 19 - 22 h

Max: 8 Participants - Price: 160 Euro

The workshop takes place over 2 days.

What is motion picture film? How is it different to other film stocks? Which should you choose & why?

Session 1 will focus on how to best shoot Kodak Vision3, covering exposure, pushing/pulling & more. Moritz will also offer his personal approach to composition, light and storytelling and provide helpful tips & tricks when shooting Kodak Vision.
After the theory, the group goes out on a photo walk, applying what has been learnt whilst shooting some street photography in Charlottenburg. Each participant can drop the finished roll at our lab and we will develop and scan it before the second session.

Note: please purchase the roll before the workshop (e.g. via 35mmdealer.de) and bring your camera loaded with Kodak Vision. 

In session 2 we will discuss how to get the most out of the scans.
Looking at how ECN-2 developing is different to C41, how Kodak Vision negatives are digitized and why you should edit your film photos - especially your Kodak Vision scans.
The full editing process will be covered: setting the right crop, adjusting light & contrast, how to approach colourgrading and how distraction removal can further improve your photos.

During an interactive part of this session, each participant will choose one of their photos to be edited as a group and discuss editing decisions.

6 h workshop - 1 roll dev + scan - Free soft drinks / beers - Interactive exchange via Whatsapp group

Language: German or English (depending on the participants)

Sign up to secure a spot